Sunday Meanderings

A perfectly glorious market day in Estoi!  Warm and sunny, not a lot of clouds, just the kind of day that brings out hoards of shoppers, both local and touristic.

Marc had not been out of the house for over a week and although still a bit unsteady, he was wanting to give it a try and off we headed.  By the time we reached the market grounds he was feeling it and our decision was to find a place where he could sit and relax with a bica, preferably a place where he could “people watch”, while I wandered. Mission accomplished.   I am so happy he is feeling a bit better.


The market was packed and the usual energy felt higher than normal…….we both love it.  The calling out of vendors, the laughter, chickens and other birds cackling away, the smell of the food stalls, the cooking chicken and ribs.   All of it lends such authenticity to the experience for us.   We knew that Beth and Derek would be about and so kept our eyes peeled for them.  We found Derek, who sat and joined Marc while I headed off to see if I could find Beth.


I found her!!


Today’s purchase was local eucalyptus honey.  Can’t wait to enjoy that with my fresh cheese for breakfast.

Totally enjoyable morning, especially as we bumped into Bela and Harald who sat with us to enjoy a beverage before heading off on an adventure of their own.  We decided very spontaneously, as we were basing our day on how Marc was feeling hour by hour, to head off to Fuzeta for lunch with Derek and Beth in tow.

We ate at Restaurante Molina, a place that is relatively new to town.  Although the food was very good, and the location excellent, I would not return.  Call me stubborn or whatever word you want but I am here for the Portuguese experience and I found this entire set up to be a bit too American in style and approach.

After lunch, Marc returned to the car as the outing was taking it’s toll, while Beth, Derek and I enjoyed a short walk along the marina, across the boardwalk at the beach then back to the car.   A lovely afternoon.

As we returned to the car I noticed a huge wall of greenery that in time will be covered in tiny white scentless flowers.  I was thrilled to see that some of the blooms were starting to pop.   A lovely sight to end our afternoon.  These blossoms are no larger than the tiny buttons on the cuff of a man’s shirt!


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15 thoughts on “Sunday Meanderings

  1. Lovely day for meandering about. Happy that Marc is feeling a bit better. Great pics as always. We drove by the square on our way to Alte around noon and he was sitting on a bench chatting with someone. We waved. He waved back-not sure if he recognized us.


    1. Hey Ken….he didn’t recognize you immediately but he told me and said he thought it was both of you. Yes, a wonderful day for being out and about and so happy he was up to sharing in part of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Randy, I love this post, your description and photos make me feel as if I was there. What a deal on the olive oil! Nice to see Marc is feeling a tad better.


    1. Thanks Debbie. Appreciate your comments.


  3. Hello guys, I found your blog saved in my bookmarks today. Morg and I, met you (I beleive) during a visit to Estoi with Pat and Gary, it being -7 here in Newfoundland at the moment, this post is refreshing to read and I will be checking back when the climates got me pinned in a corner. Thank you and get well soon. Oxox



    1. Thanks for the comments. Yes, we met when you were here last year. Stay warm and dry.


  4. Camellia flowers…yum! I have 2 pink winter blooming Camellia trees at each side of my front door.
    Poor Marc!!! I sure hope he starts to feel better soon.
    Your market day looked wonderful!


    1. The day was fabulous and Marc thinks he has turned a corner. Yahoo.


  5. A grand day for the market. so wonderful to see Marc gently absorbing life outside his walls for the past week.
    Take care Marc…hope you’ve got all that behind you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such a nice day! Can’t think of a thing I would change other than having Marco feel better! Loved the ‘feel’ of your photos! xoxo


    1. You would have gone mad at the market today!


  7. Lovely photos of the market & good to see Marc is vertical these days and on the mend! Take care Marc. Loved the last picture of the tiny blossoms – so pretty. Nature is amazing!


  8. Well we finally got around to viewing these photos…great memories…great photos….


    1. Good subject material!!! We are thinking of you both and hoping it’s wonderful and you aren’t disappointed.


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